What we do is best summed up in the following quotation:
“Fully aware that our primary apostolate
is the witness of our consecrated lives,
We, as a Congregation, can undertake various forms of apostolate.” (Constitutions No. 35)
Over the past 145 years, Marist Sisters have been involved in various forms of apostolate. On June 18, 1873, the first Sisters came to Ireland, in response to an appeal from the parish priest in Carrick-on-Shannon, to take over the primary school and tend to the needs of the poor. Since then, communities of Marist Sisters have served and continue to serve throughout Ireland in education, nursing, parish ministry, retreat work, social justice, prison and hospital chaplaincy, and a shelter for homeless families.
In Ireland, Marist communities are located in Dublin, Belfast, Carrick-on-Shannon, Tubbercurry and Charlestown.